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Lectors, Intercessors, Chalice Bearers and

Lay Readers


Lectors, Intercessors, Chalice Bearers, and Lay Readers facilitate the worship of the church by reading from Holy Scripture, offering prayer, and leading various offices of the church.


A Lector  is trained to read from Holy Scripture, and may assist in the administration of the chalice.  No special licensing is required.


An Intercessor leads the Prayers of the People and may assist in ministering the chalice.  No special licensing is required.


A Chalice Bearer  receives the elements of bread and wine at the altar, and helps administer the chalice during the Eucharist. A special license from the diocese is required.


A Lay Reader may read from Holy Scripture, Lead the Prayers of the People, assist in the administration of the chalice, and officiate at Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and under special circumstances  The Burial of the Dead.  Special licensing is required.  In addition, Lay Readers may also hold an additional license to preach.  In emergency situations, the wardens of the church will serve as Lay Readers of the congregation.​ 

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