We have a wonderful facility where the children will hear God’s Word. David Bruce Ameen and Suzy Gilley do an exceptional job! Every Sunday our young people gather in the Sunday School Chapel, where they participate in the Morning Prayer service. They are afforded opportunities to be an acolyte, a crucifer or perhaps an usher, or gathering/presenting the offering. They also learn the importance of reverence and respect.
Music is incorporated at the beginning of the Service, but the most important part of the service is the segment devoted to learning the Lord’s Prayer and offering up personal prayer petitions.
A Weekly Bible Story follows the opening. Sometimes stories are read, and audio visual aids often complement the presentation. Our young people are learning key, iconic Bible Stories from the Old and New Testaments. Subject-related crafts generally follow.
The morning is segmented so children are never bored. Finally, a light snack is provided as they complete their crafts for the morning and meet up with their parents after Adult Church.

Children's Chapel
Crucifer and Acolyte

Learning Bible Stories

Crafts relating to the Bible Stories

Learning about the worship service and altar

Getting ready for Advent Lessons and Carols

Young people in Adult Church